What’s new Pussy Cat Volume 2

I try my best to keep you all informed on my next move, however, I have done a shitty job at letting y’all know when things fall through. So, in new efforts to keep this blog a very current “what’s what” space for all things EeJay I thought it would be beneficial to update you guys on my goings on. Radio Show I’m sure y’all have noticed that my internet radio show with WeR1 never quite came to fruition. I won’t go into detail about why, but some creative and ethical differences between myself and the company arose and I decided to leave. GOOD NEWS I have decided that the best outlet for my video blogging will be YOUTUBE and I’m launching The Little Miss Lesbo show June 2nd!!! I will be so elated if you guys tune in. New Shit I’d like this blog to be a bit better-rounded… if you know me you know once upon a time I had a clothing line called Siditty Misses and that was also the name of my blog at the time. I’d like to bring a little more of a girly element to LML and have beauty reviews and a fashion corner. I’m working diligently trying to get my girl SUPE to commit to this. She’s even weirder than I am when it comes to commitment so we shall see. PRAY FOR ME YALL!!! LesBiFriends ATLANTA Last year I spoke at an event hosted by my girl Zaffo of Studio 219  piercing and tattoos here in Atlanta called LesBiFriends. It was a dope experience where I got to present my brand to other ladylover entrepreneurs. I met people who are also getting out their dreams and it was a good feeling to be in an atmosphere where people understood my grind and my hardships and were down to uplift the kid. SOOOOOO Zaffo and I have reconnected to bring back LesBiFriends!!! It will be a cohosted FREE evening mixer at the Edgewood Speakeasy one June 7th from 7-10 where we can listen to each other present our brands and have some cocktails! Not a whole lot going on but your girl is keeping busy. Stay tuned for more details on both the show and the mixer. I’m working on my follow through and sharing my plans with y’all helps me check myself. stay sweet kittens Eejay Feelings sorta expressed in this song (it was just a fun excuse to use it)